Elixir Today: Creating a Square Pattern using Elixir

Typescript Today: How I create function in Elixir using Typescript?

Elixir Today: Combining a List of Map via Specific Field

Elixir Today: Remove duplicate rows in PostgreSQL using Ecto

Elixir Regex: How to put an underscore between a letter and a number?

Today I Learned: A Much Needed Step Back!

Today I Learned: How does the Web Works

Today I Learned: DateTimeParsing in Elixir using Timex

5 Essential tools you need in programming (A beginners guide)

essential tools in programming

OpenSSL (fast_tls) and Elixir

compilation error on mix compile fast_tls

The Importance of UI/UX to me as a Backend Engineer

The importance of UI/UX to me as a backend engineer

TIL: Clean up local branches

clean up local branches that no longe have references to remote repository

Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir TIL Series: Task.async_stream/3

Concurrent Data Processing, Elixir, Task.async_stream/3, Elixir.Task

Install Erlang OTP 22.x in macOS using asdf package manager

erlang otp install specific versions

Install Erlang OTP 24 on macOS using asdf package manager

JS101: Unit Testing using Jest

Exercism: Roman Numeral

Exercism: Hello World